Confined cell migration along extracellular matrix space in vivo
Influence of microclimatic conditions on dairy production in an Automatic Milking System: Trends and Time-Series Mixer predictions
Optimized placement of sensor networks by machine learning for microclimate evaluation
Urban Scaling Functions: Emission, Pollution and Health
Moderate physical activity during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients: effect on cancer-related inflammation and pathological complete response—the Neo-Runner study
Health and income inequality: a comparative analysis of USA and Italy
Regional evaluation of glyphosate pollution in the minor irrigation network
Artificial Intelligence for Precision Oncology of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Learning from Melanoma.
Puzzle-shaped cells and the mechanical response of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seed coats.
Harnessing deep learning to forecast local microclimate using global climate data
Gene regulatory programs in the life history of Salpingoeca rosetta
Salivary proteomic profile of young healthy subjects
Dongiovanni, Paola, et al. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 10 (2023): 1327233
Interrogating colorectal cancer metastasis to liver: a search for clinically viable compounds and mechanistic insights in colorectal cancer Patient Derived Organoids.
Infiltration of tumor spheroids by activated immune cells
Unraveling the dynamics of wealth inequality and the impact on social mobility and health disparities
CAM La Porta, S Zapperi
Journal of Physics: Complexity 4 (4), 045004 2023
Quantitative analysis of disease-related metabolic dysregulation of human microbiota
A Pipeline to Investigate Fungal–Fungal Interactions: Trichoderma Isolates against Plant-Associated Fungi
Journal of Fungi 9 (4), 461
The Response of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and the Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition
Artificial intelligence in breast cancer diagnostics
Caterina AM La Porta and Stefano Zapperi,
Cell Reports Medicine, 3 100851 (2022)
A pipeline for monitoring water pollution: The example of heavy metals in Lombardy waters
Nuclear biophysical changes during human melanoma plasticity
FLIM-FRET investigation of heterogeneous huntingtin aggregation in HeLa cells.
Maria C Lionetti, Caterina AM La Porta. Chapter 36 pag. 595-604 in: Cieplak, A.S. (eds) Protein Aggregation. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2551. Humana, New York, NY First Online 31 October 2022 eBook
America’s top universities reap the benefit of Italian-trained scientists
Evidence of a SARS-CoV-2 double Spike mutation D614G/S939F potentially affecting immune response of infected subjects
Information Optimized Multilayer Network Representation of High Density Electroencephalogram Recordings.
Font-Clos F, Spelta B, D’Agostino A, Donati F, Sarasso S, Canevini MP, Zapperi S and La Porta CAM (2021)
Front. Netw. Physiol. 1:746118. doi: 10.3389/fnetp.2021.746118
Role of body temperature variations in bat immune response to viral infections
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (180), 20210211
Classification of triple negative breast cancer by epithelial mesenchymal transition and the tumor immune microenvironment
Font-Clos, F., Zapperi, S. & La Porta, C.A.M. Sci Rep 12, 9651 (2022).
Classification of triple-negative breast cancers through a Boolean network model of the Epithelial Mesenchymal transition
Francesc Font-Clos Stefano Zapperi, Caterina AM La Porta
Cell Systems May 7 2021
Synergistic effects of contaminants in Lombardy waters.
Immune Profile of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern
Estimating the Binding of Sars-CoV-2 Peptides to HLA Class I in Human Subpopulations Using Artificial Neural Networks
Caterina AM La Porta and Stefano Zapperi,
Cell Systems 2020
Cell–cell adhesion and 3D matrix confinement determine jamming transitions in breast cancer invasion
Olga Ilina, Pavlo G. Gritsenko, Simon Syga, Jürgen Lippoldt, Caterina A. M. La Porta, Oleksandr Chepizhko, Steffen Grosser, Manon Vullings, Gert-Jan Bakker, Jörn Starruß, Peter Bult, Stefano Zapperi, Josef A. Käs, Andreas Deutsch & Peter Friedl
Nature Cell Biology (2020).
Oral mucositis: the hidden side of cancer therapy.
C. Pulito, A. Cristaudo, C. La Porta, S. Zapperi, G. Blandino, A. Morrone, S. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2020) 39:210.
MicroRNA-222 Regulates Melanoma Plasticity
Maria Chiara Lionetti, Filippo Cola, Oleksandr Chepizhko, Maria Rita Fumagalli, Francesc Font-Clos, Roberto Ravasio, Saverio Minucci, Paola Canzano, Marina Camera, Guido Tiana, Stefano Zapperi, Caterina AM La Porta
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (8), 2573, 2020
Comparative analysis of metabolic and transcriptomic features of Nothobranchius furzeri
Maria Rita Fumagalli, Francesc Font-Clos, Simone Milan, Stefano Zapperi and Caterina A. M. La Porta
J. R. Soc. Interface.1720200217 (2020)
Phase transitions in cell migration
Caterina A. M. La Porta and Stefano Zapperi
Nature Reviews Physics (2020)
Identifying inhibitors of epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity using a network topology based approach
K. Hari, B. Sabuwala, B. V. Subramani, C. La Porta, S. Zapperi, F. Font-Clos, M. K. Jolly,
npj Systems Biology and Applications 6, 15 (2020).
bioRxiv 854307
Unjamming of active rotators
Soft Matter, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
Cigarette smoke and glutathione: Focus on in vitro cell models
Isabella Dalle-Donne, Maria L Garavaglia, Graziano Colombo, Emanuela Astori, Maria C Lionetti, Caterina AM La Porta, Annalisa Santucci, Ranieri Rossi, Daniela Giustarini, Aldo Milzani
Toxicology in Vitro, 104818 (2020)
Blood flow contributions to cancer metastasis
Francesc Font-Clos, Stefano Zapperi, and Caterina A. M. La Porta
iScience 2020
Cancer stem cells, plasticity, and drug resistance
MC Lionetti, MR Fumagalli, CAM La Porta
Cancer Drug Resist 2020;3:
Chromatin and cytoskeletal tethering determine nuclear morphology in progerin expressing cells
M. C. Lionetti, S. Bonfanti, M. R. Fumagalli, Z. Budrikis, F. Font Clos, G. Costantini, O. Chepizhko, S. Zapperi, C. A. M. La Porta
Biophysical Journal, in press (2020)
Protein-driven lipid domain nucleation in biological membranes
Moritz Hoferer, Silvia Bonfanti, Alessandro Taloni, Caterina A. M. La Porta, and Stefano Zapperi
Phys. Rev. E 100, 042410 2019
Metamaterial architecture from a self-shaping carnivorous plant
CAM La Porta, MC Lionetti, S Bonfanti, S Milan, C Ferrario, …
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (38), 18777-18782 2019
Molecular mechanisms of heterogeneous oligomerization of huntingtin proteins
S Bonfanti, MC Lionetti, MR Fumagalli, VR Chirasani, G Tiana, …
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7615 2019
Luminescent conjugates between dinuclear rhenium complexes and 17α-Ethynylestradiol: synthesis, photophysical characterization, and cell imaging.
Matteo Proverbio, Elsa Quartapelle Procopio, Monica Panigati, Silvia Mercurio,Roberta Pennati, Miriam Ascagni, Roberta Leone, Caterina La Porta, Michela Sugni
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 17, 509 – 518, 2019
Sulforaphane can not protect hyuman fibroblasts from repeated, short and sublethal treatments with hydrogen peroxide.
MC Lionetti, F Mutti, E Soldati, MR Fumagalli, V Coccè, G Colombo, E Astori, A Miani, A Milzani, I Dalle Donne, E Ciusani, G Costantini, CAM La Porta
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16, 657, 2019
Cross talk between circRNAs and mRNAs modulates miRNA-mediated circuits and affects melanoma plasticity
Maria Rita Fumagalli, Maria Chiara Lionetti, Stefano Zapperi, Caterina AM La Porta, Cancer Microenvironment
doi: 10.1007/s12307-019-00230-4, 2019
Protein driven lipid raft nucleation in biology membranes
M. Hoferer, S. Bonfanti, A. Taloni, CAM La Porta, S Zapperi
Phys. Rev. E 100, 042410, 2019
Explaining the dynamics of tumor aggressiveness: At the crossroads between biology, artificial intelligence and complex systems
CAM La Porta, S Zapperi
Seminars in cancer biology 53, 42-47 2018
Impact of the cross-talk between circular and messenger RNAs on cell regulation
MR Fumagalli, S Zapperi, CAM La Porta
Journal of theoretical biology 454, 386-395
Topography of epithelial–mesenchymal plasticity
F Font-Clos, S Zapperi, CAM La Porta
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (23), 5902-5907 2018
Gene expression signature of obesity in monozygotic twins
F Font-Clos, S Zapperi, CAM La Porta
Physiological measurement 39 (4), 044008, 2018
Regeneration in distantly related species: common strategies and pathways
MR Fumagalli, S Zapperi, CAM La Porta
NPJ systems biology and applications 4 (1), 5 2018
From jamming to collective cell migration through a boundary induced transition
O Chepizhko, MC Lionetti, C Malinverno, C Giampietro, G Scita, S Zapperi, …
Soft matter 14 (19), 3774-3782, 2018
Cellular pathways affected by carbon nanopowder-benzo(a)pyrene complex in human skin fibroblasts by proteomics
Andrea Binelli, Stefano Magni; Caterina La Porta; Luca Bini; camilla Della Torre; Miriam Ascagni; Daniela Maggioni; Anna Ghilardi; Alessandro Armini; Claudia Landi; Nadia Santo; Laura Madaschi; Valentina Coccè; Federico Mutti; Maria Chiara Lionetti; Emilio Ciusani; Luca Del Giacco. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 30;160:144-153, 2018
The interactions of Fullerene C60 and Benzo(α)pyrene influence their bioavailability and toxicity to zebrafish embryos.
Camilla Della Torre, Nadia Santo, Andrea Binelli, Anna Ghilardi, Claudia Landi, Luca Del Giacco, Luca Bini, Caterina La Porta, Daniela Maggioni, Miriam Ascagni, Marco Parolini, Stefano Magni, Laura Madaschi, Stefano Tasselli. Environmental Pollution 241, 999, 2018
Adsorption of B(a)P on Carbon Nanopowder affects accumulation and toxicity on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos,
Camilla Della Torre, Marco Parolini, Luca Del Giacco, Anna Ghilardi, Miriam Ascagni, Nadia Santo, Daniela Maggioni, Stefano Magni, Laura Madaschi, Laura Prosperi, Caterina La Porta, Andrea Binelli Environmental Science: Nano, 2017
Cholesterol impairment contributes to neuroserpin aggregation.
C. Giampietro, MC Lionetti, G. Costantini, F. Mutti, S. Zapperi, CAM La Porta Scientific Reports 7, 43669, 2017
Modeling mechanical control of spindle orientation of intestinal crypt stem cells
Bertalan Z, Zapperi S, CAM LaPorta Journal of Theoretical Biology 430 (2017) 103–108, 2017.
Deformation and fracture of echinoderm collagen networks.
Markus Ovaska, Zsolt Bertalan, Amandine Miksic, Michela Sugni, Cristiano Di Benedetto, Cinzia Ferrario, Livio Leggio, Luca Guidetti, Mikko J Alava, Caterina A.M. La Porta, Stefano Zapperi Journal Mechanical Behaviour Biomedical Materials 65: 42-52, 2017
Integrative analysis of pathway deregulation in obesity.
F Font, S. Zapperi, C.A.M. La Porta Nature Publishing Journal Systems Biology and Applications 3:18 2017;
Probing spermiogenesis: a new digital method for the acrosome reconstruction
Taloni A. et al. Scientific Reports 7: 3748, 2017.
Carbon nanopowder acts as a Trojan-horse for benzo(α)pyrene in Danio rerio embryos
A Binelli, L. Del Giacco, N. Santo, L. Bini, S. Magni, M. Parolini, L. Madaschi, A. Ghilardi, D. Maggioni, M. Ascagni, A. Armini, Alessandro, L. Prosperi, C. Landi, C.A.M. La Porta, C. Della Torre, Nanotoxicology 11, 371, 2017.
Complexity in cancer stem cells and tumor evolution: towards precision medicine.
C.A.M. La Porta, S. Zapperi Seminars in Cancer Biology 44 (2017) 3–9 .