Winner Rita Levi Montalcini Price 2019 with Prof. Eytan Domany of Weizmann Institute

5 November 2019 at Farnesina the Deputy Minister and Under-Secretary presented the Rita Levi-Montalcini Prize 2019 to Eytan Domany, professor at the Weizmann Institute in Tel Aviv and Prof. Caterina La Porta of University of Milan. An expert in bioinformatics, Domany – after the award ceremony – gave a lectio magistralis on the theme “Big Data and Tumors” together with his Italian counterpart, Caterina La Porta of the University of Milan. The “Rita Levi-Montalcini Binational Award for scientific cooperation” was established in 2015 within the framework of the Agreement for industrial and scientific-technological cooperation between Italy and Israel, and is aimed at promoting the exchange of scholars of prestige between the two countries.